Workers have the right to decide their own fate in negotiations Ian McDonald skrifar 2. desember 2022 08:01 My name is Ian and I work in a manufacturing job in Iceland. I am a member of Efling Union, and I also sit on the union’s negotiations committee. My job is many levels of management below the executives and the CEOs. I am one of the people who make a product which is then sold for a massive profit by the company where I work. My labor is essential to this continued profitability. As is the labor of everyone I work with, and everyone else in my position at other companies. That labor is the subject of a calculation by employers, which can be boiled down to a single sentence: “What is the absolute bare minimum we can pay this employee to stop him from not taking the job in the first place or from walking out of the door?” I have spent a long time in that position, where my only choices were to try and justify a pay raise to those same people making that calculation, or to wait and hope that other people win some kind of distant fight behind closed doors for any shred of leniency and support. That has now changed. Attending negotiations meetings with employers is the first time that I have been able to sit down and look a person in the eye while they tell us that we don’t deserve to be paid a living wage. For the longest time, we have been lied to that wage increases and other concessions are unaffordable and unrealistic. Until now, we have had no recourse to fight this narrative. No way to tell a truth to that lie. Yet, the idea that a wage increase is unaffordable by corporations is absolutely, fundamentally untrue. Perhaps that is why SA have not brought up that argument in the negotiations with Efling up to this point. Maybe SA knows that the moment they do, they would be confronted by the immense profits of the companies they represent and the entire edifice would crumble. We live in a time where every year gets harder and harder for us to merely exist. Where every paycheck goes less and less far. For far too long we have been deliberately removed and excluded from the very process which determines our quality of life. We have not been considered important enough to even be in the room. Just a number in a calculation. That is changing now. I look forward to continuing my work in the Efling negotiations committee with my brave fellow Efling workers. The author is an immigrant worker in manufacturing in Iceland and member of the Efling negotiations committee. Viltu birta grein á Vísi? Sendu okkur póst. Senda grein Kjaramál Kjaraviðræður 2022 Mest lesið Tryggjum Svandísi á þing Hópur stuðningsfólks Svandísar Svavarsdóttur Skoðun Vók er vont – frambjóðandi XL kærður til lögreglu Kári Allansson Skoðun Skilur Kristrún ekki, að stærð kökunnar er mál nr. 1? Ole Anton Bieltvedt Skoðun Hvar ertu Auddi Blö: Opið bréf til Bjarna Ben frá sérfræðingi Ásta Kristín Pjetursdóttir Skoðun Er einhver að hlusta? Hópur 143 Seyðfirðinga Skoðun Flokkur í felulitum Björn Gíslason Skoðun Greinin sem þú verður að lesa áður en þú ferð á kjörstað Bessí Þóra Jónsdóttir Skoðun Ekki láta Sjálfstæðisflokkinn ljúga að þér Dóra Björt Guðjónsdóttir Skoðun Nýtt húsnæðislánakerfi að danskri fyrirmynd? Jónas Már Torfason Skoðun Höldum okkur á dagskrá Hópur fólks innan íþróttahreyfingarinnar Skoðun Skoðun Skoðun Ísland sé frjálst meðan sól gyllir haf Guðbjörg Elísa Hafsteinsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Að refsa eða treysta VG? Finnur Ricart Andrason skrifar Skoðun Innflytjendur eru blórabögglar Achola Otieno skrifar Skoðun Bað- og búningsklefar okkar kvenna Helga Dögg Sverrisdóttir skrifar Skoðun Stórkostleg tímaskekkja Sigrún Perla Gísladóttir skrifar Skoðun Vinstri græn - þrátt fyrir þverpólitíska ríkisstjórn Aðalbjörg Ísafold Þorkelsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Félag áhugamanna um löggæslu Agnes Ósk Marzellíusardóttir skrifar Skoðun Kosningalimran 2024 Arnar Ingi Ingason,Freyr Snorrason skrifar Skoðun Viðreisn ætlar að forgangsraða – nýta skattfé miklu betur Þorvaldur Ingi Jónsson skrifar Skoðun Sigrar vinnast – spár bregðast Þorvaldur Örn Árnason skrifar Skoðun Af hverju Viðreisn? Eva Rakel Jónsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Pólitískar ofsóknir í aðdraganda Alþingiskosninga Eldur S. Kristinsson skrifar Skoðun Talk about timing – degi fyrir kjördag Yngvi Sighvatsson skrifar Skoðun Hjarta og sál Heiðdís Geirsdóttir skrifar Skoðun ESB andstæðingar blekkja Íslendinga Jón Frímann Jónsson skrifar Skoðun Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn: Fyrir budduna þína og framtíðina Gísli Stefánsson skrifar Skoðun Eldra fólk þarf Jóhann Pál sem félagsmálaráðherra – nema kannski þeir auðugustu Viðar Eggertsson skrifar Skoðun Að mynda ríkisstjórn - skipulagt val til vinstri Hlynur Már Ragnheiðarson skrifar Skoðun Viðreisn: öfgalaus nálgun fyrir öfgalaust samfélag Hanna Katrín Friðriksson skrifar Skoðun Kleppur er víða Ragnheiður Kristín Finnbogadóttir skrifar Skoðun Að geta lesið sér mennsku til gagns Diljá Ámundadóttir Zoëga skrifar Skoðun Börðust afar okkar til einskis í Þorskastríðinu? Hugleiðing um ESB Haukur Ingi S. Jónsson skrifar Skoðun Á ferð um Norðvesturkjördæmi Arna Lára Jónsdóttir,Hannes Sigurbjörn Jónsson,Jóhanna Ösp Einarsdóttir,Magnús Eðvaldsson skrifar Skoðun Stöndum vörð um íslenska fjölmiðla Óli Valur Pétursson skrifar Skoðun Lögfestum félagsmiðstöðvar Guðmundur Ari Sigurjónsson,Friðmey Jónsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Flokkar sem vara við sjálfum sér Þorbjörg S. Gunnlaugsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Hver bjó til ehf-gat? Sigríður Á. Andersen skrifar Skoðun Lausnir eða kyrrstaða í húsnæðismálum Ragnar Þór Ingólfsson skrifar Skoðun Aðventan – njóta eða þjóta? Hrund Þrándardóttir skrifar Skoðun Við kjósum blokkir Kjartan Valgarðsson skrifar Sjá meira
My name is Ian and I work in a manufacturing job in Iceland. I am a member of Efling Union, and I also sit on the union’s negotiations committee. My job is many levels of management below the executives and the CEOs. I am one of the people who make a product which is then sold for a massive profit by the company where I work. My labor is essential to this continued profitability. As is the labor of everyone I work with, and everyone else in my position at other companies. That labor is the subject of a calculation by employers, which can be boiled down to a single sentence: “What is the absolute bare minimum we can pay this employee to stop him from not taking the job in the first place or from walking out of the door?” I have spent a long time in that position, where my only choices were to try and justify a pay raise to those same people making that calculation, or to wait and hope that other people win some kind of distant fight behind closed doors for any shred of leniency and support. That has now changed. Attending negotiations meetings with employers is the first time that I have been able to sit down and look a person in the eye while they tell us that we don’t deserve to be paid a living wage. For the longest time, we have been lied to that wage increases and other concessions are unaffordable and unrealistic. Until now, we have had no recourse to fight this narrative. No way to tell a truth to that lie. Yet, the idea that a wage increase is unaffordable by corporations is absolutely, fundamentally untrue. Perhaps that is why SA have not brought up that argument in the negotiations with Efling up to this point. Maybe SA knows that the moment they do, they would be confronted by the immense profits of the companies they represent and the entire edifice would crumble. We live in a time where every year gets harder and harder for us to merely exist. Where every paycheck goes less and less far. For far too long we have been deliberately removed and excluded from the very process which determines our quality of life. We have not been considered important enough to even be in the room. Just a number in a calculation. That is changing now. I look forward to continuing my work in the Efling negotiations committee with my brave fellow Efling workers. The author is an immigrant worker in manufacturing in Iceland and member of the Efling negotiations committee.
Skoðun Eldra fólk þarf Jóhann Pál sem félagsmálaráðherra – nema kannski þeir auðugustu Viðar Eggertsson skrifar
Skoðun Börðust afar okkar til einskis í Þorskastríðinu? Hugleiðing um ESB Haukur Ingi S. Jónsson skrifar
Skoðun Á ferð um Norðvesturkjördæmi Arna Lára Jónsdóttir,Hannes Sigurbjörn Jónsson,Jóhanna Ösp Einarsdóttir,Magnús Eðvaldsson skrifar