Mikilvægi olnbogans á forsíðu Time Ritstjórn skrifar 6. desember 2017 21:15 Eins og komið hefur fram þá valdi tímaritið Time fólkið sem rauf þögnina og ræddi opinskátt um kynferðislega áreitni og kynferðisofbeldi sem manneskju ársins að mati tímaritsins Time. Taylor Swift og Ashley Judd eru meðal þeirra sem prýða forsíðuna en það hefur vakið athygli og jafnvel reiði glöggra lesenda á samfélagsmiðlum í dag er olnboginn sem sést í hægra horninu, en það lítur út fyrir að einhver hafi verið klipptur út af myndinni. Nú hefur ritstjóri Time, Edward Felsenthal, útskýrt olnbogann en það kemur í ljós að hann hefur merkilega þýðingu. „Þessi hendi tilheyrir konu sem við töluðum við fyrir greinina, starfsmaður á spítala, sem fannst hún ekki geta komið fram undir nafni þar sem það gæti haft áhrif á starf hennar.“ Hendin táknar því í raun allt það fólk sem treystir sér ekki til þess að koma fram undir nafni en í krafti fjöldans segir sögu sína. Við elskum þessi forsíðu og þetta val Time í ár! Millions of people responded with the hashtag #MeToo when Alyssa Milano urged them to post their experiences on Twitter. "It’s affected me on a cellular level to hear all these stories. I don’t know if I’ll ever be the same. I have not stopped crying. I look at my daughter and think, Please, let this be worth it. Please, let it be that my daughter never has to go through anything like this.” @milano_alyssa is among the Silence Breakers, TIME's Person of the Year. Read the full story on TIME.com. Photograph by Billy & Hells for TIME. #TIMEPOY A post shared by TIME (@time) on Dec 6, 2017 at 6:22am PST The Silence Breakers are TIME's Person of the Year 2017. Read the full story on TIME.com. Photographs and cover composite by Billy & Hells for TIME; animation by @brobeldesign. #TIMEPOY A post shared by TIME (@time) on Dec 6, 2017 at 4:35am PST Radio DJ David Mueller groped Taylor Swift during a photo op in 2013. She reported him to his radio station, KYGO, and he was terminated. He said her accusations were false and sued Swift. She countersued for $1 and won. "When I testified, I had already had to watch this man’s attorney bully, badger and harass my team, including my mother … I was angry. In that moment, I decided to forgo any courtroom formalities and just answer the questions the way it happened. This man hadn’t considered any formalities when he assaulted me … Why should I be polite? I’m told it was the most amount of times the word ass has ever been said in Colorado federal court." (Mueller’s lawyer did not respond to multiple requests for comment.) @taylorswift is among the Silence Breakers, TIME's Person of the Year. Read the full story on TIME.com. Photograph by Billy & Hells for TIME. #TIMEPOY A post shared by TIME (@time) on Dec 6, 2017 at 7:24am PST Mest lesið Ralph Lauren skrifar ævisögu sína Glamour Nicole Kidman glæsileg í Armani flauelskjól Glamour Yoko Ono, Amy Schumer og Patti Smith í Pirelli-dagatalinu Glamour Ilmpartý hjá Andreu Maack Glamour Úr frönskum slaufum í íslensku ullina Glamour Tyrfingur Tyrfingsson: Rómantík Glamour Casino að hætti Chanel Glamour Eigandi Topshop í djúpum skít Glamour Kim Kardashian og Kanye West búin að eignast stelpu Glamour Þrjú dress á þriðjudegi Glamour
Eins og komið hefur fram þá valdi tímaritið Time fólkið sem rauf þögnina og ræddi opinskátt um kynferðislega áreitni og kynferðisofbeldi sem manneskju ársins að mati tímaritsins Time. Taylor Swift og Ashley Judd eru meðal þeirra sem prýða forsíðuna en það hefur vakið athygli og jafnvel reiði glöggra lesenda á samfélagsmiðlum í dag er olnboginn sem sést í hægra horninu, en það lítur út fyrir að einhver hafi verið klipptur út af myndinni. Nú hefur ritstjóri Time, Edward Felsenthal, útskýrt olnbogann en það kemur í ljós að hann hefur merkilega þýðingu. „Þessi hendi tilheyrir konu sem við töluðum við fyrir greinina, starfsmaður á spítala, sem fannst hún ekki geta komið fram undir nafni þar sem það gæti haft áhrif á starf hennar.“ Hendin táknar því í raun allt það fólk sem treystir sér ekki til þess að koma fram undir nafni en í krafti fjöldans segir sögu sína. Við elskum þessi forsíðu og þetta val Time í ár! Millions of people responded with the hashtag #MeToo when Alyssa Milano urged them to post their experiences on Twitter. "It’s affected me on a cellular level to hear all these stories. I don’t know if I’ll ever be the same. I have not stopped crying. I look at my daughter and think, Please, let this be worth it. Please, let it be that my daughter never has to go through anything like this.” @milano_alyssa is among the Silence Breakers, TIME's Person of the Year. Read the full story on TIME.com. Photograph by Billy & Hells for TIME. #TIMEPOY A post shared by TIME (@time) on Dec 6, 2017 at 6:22am PST The Silence Breakers are TIME's Person of the Year 2017. Read the full story on TIME.com. Photographs and cover composite by Billy & Hells for TIME; animation by @brobeldesign. #TIMEPOY A post shared by TIME (@time) on Dec 6, 2017 at 4:35am PST Radio DJ David Mueller groped Taylor Swift during a photo op in 2013. She reported him to his radio station, KYGO, and he was terminated. He said her accusations were false and sued Swift. She countersued for $1 and won. "When I testified, I had already had to watch this man’s attorney bully, badger and harass my team, including my mother … I was angry. In that moment, I decided to forgo any courtroom formalities and just answer the questions the way it happened. This man hadn’t considered any formalities when he assaulted me … Why should I be polite? I’m told it was the most amount of times the word ass has ever been said in Colorado federal court." (Mueller’s lawyer did not respond to multiple requests for comment.) @taylorswift is among the Silence Breakers, TIME's Person of the Year. Read the full story on TIME.com. Photograph by Billy & Hells for TIME. #TIMEPOY A post shared by TIME (@time) on Dec 6, 2017 at 7:24am PST
Mest lesið Ralph Lauren skrifar ævisögu sína Glamour Nicole Kidman glæsileg í Armani flauelskjól Glamour Yoko Ono, Amy Schumer og Patti Smith í Pirelli-dagatalinu Glamour Ilmpartý hjá Andreu Maack Glamour Úr frönskum slaufum í íslensku ullina Glamour Tyrfingur Tyrfingsson: Rómantík Glamour Casino að hætti Chanel Glamour Eigandi Topshop í djúpum skít Glamour Kim Kardashian og Kanye West búin að eignast stelpu Glamour Þrjú dress á þriðjudegi Glamour